Group Prices for River Trips
(excludes holidays)
Groups are Scouts, Churches, Schools and “all others with 7 canoes and more”!
Saturday Group Discount
10% off $70/canoe & $50/kayak rate
Sunday Group Discount
25% off $70/canoe & $50/kayak rate
Midweek Group Discount
25% off $70/canoe & $50/kayak rate
Group Discount Tubes (any day)
$30/tube with 1 free per every 20
(5.3 % VA Sales tax & 3% National Forest permit not included in rates)
Our Lunch and Dinner rates are already based on group rates.
Call for more information on any other group rates.
Group prices are only when signed up by one group leader with one payment or paid online as a group!
How to set up a Group Online Reservation information here
or give us a call or if Part of a Group with ID # and Name–click here to join.
Cancellation is 48 hours in advance for refund and will need to be called in to the Outfitters.
We go rain or shine.
Download the SRO Gazette
Info you can take with you!
Shenandoah River Outfitters, Inc.
Camp OutBack &
Shenandoah Canoe Company
River Log Cabins Rentals
6502 S Page Valley Road
Luray VA 22835
800-6CANOE2 (800-622-6632)
or 540-743-4159