Shenandoah River Map
Here are the Boat landings we use for your river trips:
#45 Front Royal Boat Landing (end of 3 day trips)
For groups of 3 or more canoes, we can offer trips up to 100 miles.
Just call us to help you plan that extended trip. Here are pages with river tips and answers to most other questions. You can read, print and sign the liability release ahead of time. You can look at the Safety video online ahead also. Tips for Canoe trips Tubing trip tips TIPS for TRIPS You can check river levels here Do call if you have other questions. Shenandoah River Outfitters Inc & publishers of these maps do not assume liability for any accidents that may result from the use of this map or for typographical errors in describing the river Please respect the Shenandoah River. Keep litter with you. Do NOT trespass on private land. All right bank(East) is private land. G.W. National Forest is only on left bank (shaded dark green areas of map)
# 1 Low Water Bridge | Inskeep Boat Landing | (VA Game) |
# 8 Bealer’s Ferry | Boat Landing | (G.W. National Forest) |
# 11 Foster’s | Boat Landing | (VA Game) |
# 13 Good’s Falls | Boat Landing | (G.W. National Forest) |
# 16 Seakford’s | Boat Landing | (G.W. National Forest) |
# 17.5 Compton’s Rapid | (right bank private) | (left bank G.W. National Forest) |
# 19 SRO’s Pickup* #20 SRO’s alternate |
Boat Landing | (end of 1 day trips) |
# 28 Bentonville | Boat Landing | (end of some 2 day trips) |
Just call us to help you plan that extended trip. Here are pages with river tips and answers to most other questions. You can read, print and sign the liability release ahead of time. You can look at the Safety video online ahead also. Tips for Canoe trips Tubing trip tips TIPS for TRIPS You can check river levels here Do call if you have other questions. Shenandoah River Outfitters Inc & publishers of these maps do not assume liability for any accidents that may result from the use of this map or for typographical errors in describing the river Please respect the Shenandoah River. Keep litter with you. Do NOT trespass on private land. All right bank(East) is private land. G.W. National Forest is only on left bank (shaded dark green areas of map)
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Info you can take with you!
Shenandoah River Outfitters, Inc.
Camp OutBack &
Shenandoah Canoe Company
River Log Cabins Rentals
6502 S Page Valley Road
Luray VA 22835
800-6CANOE2 (800-622-6632)
or 540-743-4159